— Welcome, we care about ALL children & youth!
We provide evidence based training & programs based on the optimal health model for teens ages 13 to 19 and pre-teens 10 to 12.
Teen sexual relationships and other high risk behaviours can have negative physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, social and financial impact on our children & youth and keep them from achieving their goals.
The Caribbean Youth Partnership project is a collaboration between Dr Nanci Coppola and Rebekah Ali-Gouveia. They have been working together for over 12 years to promote optimal health for children and youth in the region and to teach the Healthy Respect curriculum authored and developed by Dr Coppola.
We seek to provide workshops for parents and classes for their children ages 10 to 12 and 13 to 19.
The Medical Institute for Sexual Health released a body of sex education standards which are built on the Optimal Youth Health model of risk avoidance rather than risk reduction. See the standards from kindergarten to age 18 here ( Home – New K-12 Standards for Optimal Sexual Development (newsexedstandards.org)
We provide evidence-based programs and content to place our children and youth on a trajectory for optimal health.
We equip parents, educators , faith leaders, and trusted adults to understand, advocate and create an environment for optimal youth health.
JOIN US AND BECOME AN OPTIMAL YOUTH HEALTH partner. Email r.aligouveia@gmail.com now for more information!
Book a training spot on the Optimal Youth Health Model or book a class for you and your child. Call 383 2674.